Sunday, November 22, 2009

prince muhamed bin fahad with poor saudi man


  1. Could you translate, please? Thanks.

  2. I would say this is nothing compare to facts those we are facing, it is not judt poor cities in service or poor people.
    what abour Discrimination?

  3. This translates as:
    First of all kiss my "feet", and then tell me about your problem, so that the wholw world will know that we have got justice and that people here are all equal to our "feet".

  4. it's not "Kiss my feet"! it's "Kiss my shoe",,,, even worse

  5. this is bullshit i dont beleive that u all lier i know most of those princ's are assholes but not like that i think u just maken it a big deal while its not u changing the facts actually i can take a PIC of some princ i can wrote wat ever i know if i do hate him maybe i can say gimmi ur wife if u want some help but this is wat i wont do it so this is bullshit my friend dont fabrik the photo's pls

  6. please dont judge my husbands family. jasmine angel faraci fahad
