first: i want to thank you about what you do, we have a lot more than what you see. second: you tray tell every one only shi is pooring and sunnah have advance more than shi, this is wrong go to qatif and eastran city and you find shi as will as we see him. all other city in KSA are sunnnah and all picture in this site toaking about sunnah only. thank you agin
thanx alot mmmmmmm i see those picturs everyday in the capital of the reachest country in the world...i don't know what to say...and AbuSarah who said it is about shia and sunna??...before you post a comment try to think... it is really another face of saudi arabia...thank you for sharing those picturs..
If you're trying to say Saudi government is bad, then it's and you have said it. If you're trying to help those poor people, then thank you so much and god bless you..
Will agree with Abo Sarah that all the pictures are taken from Sunni cities and villages. Yet, this is another face of Saudi that outsiders don't know.. we insiders see it everyday.
I wish I see your blog being discussed in fox or CNN. Only then the Saudi government will take corrective action.
On correction though, is regarding the royal prince about taking half of the oil revenue. this is not true... they're taking it all and the leftover is spent on the country...
These pictures say a lot of things. Corruption is one factor which is spreading like fire in a heystack. The paradoxical situation is intreging, rich country yet very poor in all standards. I urgue to continue this informative approach to expose corruption(a picture is more than a 1000 words). Thanks and good luck
Thank you for the pictures it is not about any religious faction it is about Humanity how can we continue to see these condition and be quite, it is our responsibility to rise up and say enough is enough Thank you, Thank you
Sad as it is! That is the ugly truth of our rich oil preducing country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!! Can we ask why??? Can we stand for our rights and their rights in the basic human needs?? of course how lives here knows the answer.
Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said , No one is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. he also mentioned, the one who sleeps with a full stomach and his neighbor is hungry he is not a believer. The 2nd Caliph Omar may Allah be pleased with him, said: (while he was in madinah) that If a mule would stumble in iraq I'll we questioned on the day of judgement , why I didn't pave the way for it. To everyone who is disappointed from these pics, this is not the true image of Islam. Islam was beautiful Islam is beautiful and shall return again in its beautiful image By the Will of Allah, we just need to remain patient, this worldy life is a test, so to all those poor people who suffer I give you glad tidings that in the hereafter you'll be rewarded and you'll be rich
If you want more pictures Please send me a message on: I am a journalist and I have an archive of images that I can not publish I searched for your e-mail here, I did not find.
yes,we have those pics, and yes, the roeal family live in higher level but those're not Saudi Arabia,they're part of it(the poor side) every county have simlar to this. I'm 23 years old and I live in Riyahd but I've never seen those before. I just sometimes see pic like them in newspaper not in the real live.
I have been through all pictures …. I am one of Saudi Community . . Yes we do have a poor family , Homeless & Old people , put , Saudi Government has determinate a monthly supported cash flow for Saudi only because the person who gather all those pictures he has something agents Saudi Arabia , because he got some pictures from Pakistan or Pakistani Family , most of the picture are for un-legal people leaves in KSA , Yes about the schools there are some pictures are trough , Put Saudi Gov. dos not has a magic Stick to change everything in a second , every Year they are building a new schools and I think we are one of few counters that supporting the education from A-to Z I mean form the intermediate school till graduating from the university for free of charge , I think we have also to show the good picture of Saudi Arabia wish 100 times more than what this guy gather to show us . Again I have to till you I was leave in poor family but because everything was supported by Saudi GOV. my education , Health care and safe life , now I'm working with one of the largest Company in KSA In senior Position.
I agree with the person who said the gov can't change everything in a second. I see huge improvements every year.
In addition to free college education, you get a salary from college! Not to mention the thousands of students who are getting full scholarships to study abroad.
Free health care is provided almost everywhere, how can you beat that. True that paid hospitals are better but at least there is a "free" option.
Safety is good since weapons are illegal to be sold or carried around. However, robberies rate is ridiculous. My car was stolen, my aunts house was cleared, and even my grandfather got robbed while he was walking by a store. They should apply Islamic law to cut thieves left hand.
Did you know that those who beg for money make thousands every month! If people stop giving them they would start working like normal people do, but why work for cheap salary if begging brings more money with practically no effort.
I'm guessing this blog will get banned in SA because they don't like websites that talk bad about the royal family. This blog doesn't talk bad but it encourages people to do so, like some of those Arabic comments.
Finally, corruption exists everywhere but more in SA. King Abdullah is a great leader, it's just the people below him are corrupt. He should replace all current ministers with new educated non-rich ones.
فبظلم من الذين هادوا حرمنا عليهم طيبات أحلت لهم... وبصدهم عن سبيل الله كثيرا ، وأخذهم الربا وقد نهو عنه وأكلهم أموال الناس بالباطل ، ...وأعتدنا للكافرين منهم عذابا أليما. ونحن على سننهم سائرون...!! فلا عجب أن حلت بنا العقوبات...
من جد وجد ومن زرع حصد كل واحد على جهده ، الفقير بالسعوديه يقدر يصير اغناء الاغنياء الدراسه متوفر وببلاش على حساب الحكومه ،المستشفيات كمان على حساب الحكومه ، بالجامعات تصرف لك مكافئه كل شهر ، تقدر منها تمشي عمرك وبعدها تقدر تثبت جدارتك وتخلق من لاشي ، شي عظيم ، ولكن المصور ركز على ادنى الطبقات الي كل مكان بالعالم فيه زيها حكومتنا في تطور ، في ظل الملك عبدالله حفظه الله والجمعيات الخيريه ماتقصر واليد الكريمه كمان ماقصرت
Well, I'm Saudi and studying in the UK. I know it's shame on us to have something like this in on of the richest countries in world, but what can we do as people who do not have the right to talk to to comment on anything you do not like. Even in the UK or in the USA, you can see like this or more worst as well. Woow, during the weekend, it is very difficult to differentiate between all classes coz all of them are drunk and most likely animals... Sorry about that but this is the truth..
this guy above me is totally wrong hey mate wake up!!! don’t ever say study is money do you think princes are studying? it is just a way to get it will if you are poor tell me how would you study. actually I was living on something like this poor and it shows clearly the mess on that rich country by the way I live in riyadh.
well, all pictures are true. but dont u think its unfair to show only the worse pictures of saudi ever??? i'm from middle classed family, and i've never been to any of these so called schools, i didnt even see them thank God...and i used to live in riyadh and its not as u pictured it... i didnt see olaya street, almorsalat street i didnt see tahlya in jeddah or any good pictures which make me wondering...what is ur aim of all this?? and the only picture of zimbaboy or what ever u call it was the best picture ever....hhhhhh if u wanna compare a saudi school with this school compare altarbya alislamia, najd school altarbya alnamoothajya school, riyadh najd... and u'll find out that this african school is a big joke in comparative....or u can compare these pictures with the worse pictures of africa, too. cause its not fair... even if u meant to do sth good u blow it over with this funny way... we saudi people understands our country's situation more than any1. and using such pictures to fool others who dunno whats going on is just funny... and i'm living in the north of jeddah now, there is hundreds of palaces around us including our house and for ur surprise there isnt princes or princesses in our nieghbourhood. for the beggers in the streets dont make me laugh again plz... they r mostly african, afgani, paki..and they are staying here illegally and refusing to go back to their countries...i see them every where in every traffic... and by the way they are also selling gums, toys, balloons also... the whole situation is so complecated, u cant understand it coz ur not part of this culture, this country...there is much thieves here more than u can imagen...looke what happened in jeddah last november...and u'll know which kind of thieves i'm talking about. its our mistake also cause if we loved our country there wont be such thieves...
well, all pictures are true. but dont u think its unfair to show only the worse pictures of saudi ever??? i'm from middle classed family, and i've never been to any of these so called schools, i didnt even see them thank God...and i used to live in riyadh and its not as u pictured it... i didnt see olaya street, almorsalat street i didnt see tahlya in jeddah or any good pictures which make me wondering...what is ur aim of all this?? and the only picture of zimbaboy or what ever u call it was the best picture ever....hhhhhh if u wanna compare a saudi school with this school compare altarbya alislamia, najd school altarbya alnamoothajya school, riyadh najd... and u'll find out that this african school is a big joke in comparative....or u can compare these pictures with the worse pictures of africa, too. cause its not fair... even if u meant to do sth good u blow it over with this funny way... we saudi people understands our country's situation more than any1. and using such pictures to fool others who dunno whats going on is just funny... and i'm living in the north of jeddah now, there is hundreds of palaces around us including our house and for ur surprise there isnt princes or princesses in our nieghbourhood. for the beggers in the streets dont make me laugh again plz... they r mostly african, afgani, paki..and they are staying here illegally and refusing to go back to their countries...i see them every where in every traffic... and by the way they are also selling gums, toys, balloons also... the whole situation is so complecated, u cant understand it coz ur not part of this culture, this country...there is much thieves here more than u can imagen...looke what happened in jeddah last november...and u'll know which kind of thieves i'm talking about. its our mistake also cause if we loved our country there wont be such thieves...
thank you george for your efforts but I just wanted to say that if I went to America and wandered weth a camera you will find these pictures so nice and happy.... poverty and hooomless are everywhere....royal family is a theife we know it but the homeless people of your countries...what is your escuse I feel racism in these pictures before judging others fix yourseves people
i think the person who posted this pictures is so hatred ,angry and grudge about all saudies and the goverment because must of the pictures is not in the city,must of the people in pictures are ilegal and they are leaving in KSA as any country and the womens in the streets we are traying so hard to get them out of streets and giving them jobes, we have homeless ,poverty ,peopel are asking for mony .but if you traval to all 50 states of US you find :prostitution and we dont have and i think you trayed one of well you know ,homeless they will be the same number of the othr wealthy families in US, womens in your country are having babies without marriage,womens in US are uncovering ther bodies but its ok thes is womens rights in US,schooling is very hard thing to do in us you have to take mony from bank so you can study,mans are marred to one but 10 thousned of mistress , civilian citizens are drinking and driving,teens are having sex in very early age,teens pregnancy .well i think every community has its own problems . you dont need to take photoes of that its orady taken by the holywood filmes ,if you dont have a jobe will get one pleas
Thank you, I think we should think about a solution instead of questioning the reason why this man posted those pics, think positivly people, think and speak from your heart.
really i want to thank you too match for that even that things in my country but in your opinun : - is saudi arabia poor? - where is the many which we are arn from the oil (or U.S. )will took it all - how long the sa export the oil (what about the quantity) - do you thing the saudi puplic iduet or stubelt - when i saw those cars i thougth no one need any thing in sa - Really it is shamful!!!!!
Yeah, I am not socked. Of course every single country in the world has poor people and poor areas.
Good job, but I do not know why you compare the best pictures of Africa with the worst pictures of Saudi Arabia!!!
If you would like to compare Los Angeles with the worst pictures of Riyadh, I am sure Los Angeles will be worst even though it is in the most powerful in country in the world.
well that is not true , as u know guys K.S.A people, some of them in canada , U.S.A and aother contres by goverment . so how come the poor people that what I sew in the pic .
however any one want to know k.s.a that my amill just send to me what u want it and I'll tell u if + I will look for u the information and the proof my amill is (
فيه واحد يقول فوق ماحد يدخل الصلاه بغير جنه ليه بس حنا نطلب الجنه يعني ؟؟ ارجع لسيرة عمر ابن الخطاب رضي الله عنه وانت تعرف معنى الاستخلاف في الارض all pics are true ,hope u will upload soon some of pics for the ppl who looking for jobs , how they fighting to tack only a chance, while other countries take from saudi goverment as a gift thousands of millions $ , thats so bad keep up
ok it's true but , why you just took pic's of what u want ? why u don't take pic's of the good face of KSA any country in the world have the both faces even in united states at least you should look for the no. of the homelesses in USA in last study , it's sth bad u don't even imagine that no. we have our problem , and u so... plz be away and look for u prb =) thx
NOOOOOO dear this is not the other face of saudi arabia it is the dark face because you want that >> tell me where is the light face ?? i will show the people the light face of ksa so soon you will be the 1st one invited?? most these picture for non-saudi people or form jeddah rains or about ilegal people>> لا يا عزيزي هذا ليس الوجه الاخر للسعوديه هذا فقط الوجه المظلم لانك لغرض مريض فنفسك تريد اظهار هذا الجانب اخبرني اين الجانب المشرق لدولتنا وهو الغالب ولكنني سأظهر الجانب المشرق قريبا وستكون اول المدعوين لهذا.. وسنرى ايهم الغالب ... ياسعوديين ولو لمره لاتخلوا انفسكم مضحكه للكفره وللغرب الذي يرغب في دمارنا ودمار ديننا ...اصحوا واحمدوا الله على نعمة الامن والامان والاسلام وان تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها ..... سعوديه وافتخر واحمد الله على نعمتين اني مسلمه واني سعوديه من اطهر البقاع
I read and saw all these pictures that you postid above, regardless to my point of view as a Saudi guy, but I just wanted to remine you that you shouldn't judge from one side..
من الظلم إظهار الجانب الفقر دون إظهار الجانب الآخر
حتى يكون المشاهد على بينة
ونحن نعلم أن هناك فقر في السعوديه وهذه الدرجه من الفقر تزداد يوما بعد يوم نتيجه للبعد عن تطبيق تعاليم الدين ولو أظهر الأغنياء زكاة أموالهم لما بقي على وجه الأرض فقير ولكن لا نقول إلا كما قال ربنا
" ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر بما كسبت أيدي الناس ليذيقهم بعض الذي عملوا لعلهم يرجعون"
Sad as it is! That is the ugly truth of our rich oil preducing country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!! Can we ask why??? Can we stand for our rights and their rights in the basic human needs??
فهم ضئيل لدى البعض كل الدنيا عندها فقراء نعم لكن هذا الفقر لا يجب ان يكون في دولة تفيض بها المليارات خريجي الجامعة ليس لديهم وظائف والسوق محتاج ومن قال متضرري السيول غير سعوديين بل سعوديين ومن الجنوب وأولاد قبايل بعد
Amazing insight, I currently live in England where we pay huge taxes so this doesn't happen even if people are here illegally. Should we have to support those that come here illegally though?
first: i want to thank you about what you do, we have a lot more than what you see.
ReplyDeletesecond: you tray tell every one only shi is pooring and sunnah have advance more than shi, this is wrong go to qatif and eastran city and you find shi as will as we see him. all other city in KSA are sunnnah and all picture in this site toaking about sunnah only.
thank you agin
Oh My God....Is it TRUE.....!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing..............
thanx alot
ReplyDeletemmmmmmm i see those picturs everyday in the capital of the reachest country in the world...i don't know what to say...and AbuSarah who said it is about shia and sunna??...before you post a comment try to think...
it is really another face of saudi arabia...thank you for sharing those picturs..
This is the reality and it can not be hidden any more. The wealth was not fairly distributed
ReplyDeleteThis is the hidden fact which no one in europe or america will belive it.
ReplyDeleteAll these pictures are true.
Thank you
mis use of power and wealth.
ReplyDeleteoooh my gat
ReplyDeleteit is realy \
saudi goverment very bad
الشعب السعودي صار يرقص من كثر الانين
ReplyDeleteوالحكومة تنطق : جوع كلبك يتبعك ولا يتعبك
دول افقر مننا ومستواها ارقى من هذا
fuck off
ReplyDeleteالموت لال سعوووووووووووود
سرقو البلاد والعباد
تابعو الاصلاح يا شعب الحرمين
فديت ابو عثمااااااااااان
اصلاحي وافتخر
If you're trying to say Saudi government is bad, then it's and you have said it. If you're trying to help those poor people, then thank you so much and god bless you..
ReplyDeleteWill agree with Abo Sarah that all the pictures are taken from Sunni cities and villages. Yet, this is another face of Saudi that outsiders don't know.. we insiders see it everyday.
I wish I see your blog being discussed in fox or CNN. Only then the Saudi government will take corrective action.
On correction though, is regarding the royal prince about taking half of the oil revenue. this is not true... they're taking it all and the leftover is spent on the country...
Thanks once more,
Ahmad AlAbdullah
we must as citizen strive against poverty
ReplyDeleteThese pictures say a lot of things. Corruption is one factor which is spreading like fire in a heystack. The paradoxical situation is intreging, rich country yet very poor in all standards. I urgue to continue this informative approach to expose corruption(a picture is more than a 1000 words).
ReplyDeleteThanks and good luck
Thank you for the pictures it is not about any religious faction it is about Humanity how can we continue to see these condition and be quite, it is our responsibility to rise up and say enough is enough
ReplyDeleteThank you, Thank you
Thanks man
ReplyDeletereally thanks
really really thanks.
everything is true, especially the university of Al-Jouf. what a shame.
now that's corruption
ReplyDeletewhere to start??
Sad as it is! That is the ugly truth of our rich oil preducing country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!! Can we ask why??? Can we stand for our rights and their rights in the basic human needs?? of course how lives here knows the answer.
ReplyDeleteI like that comment
ReplyDelete" the pictures it is not about any religious faction it is about Humanity "
shi or sunnah all live in the same level in Saudi Arabia
all poor, homeless even the universities useless.
لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله بصراحه شي آول مره آشوفه بحياتي
ReplyDeleteماكنت أعرف إن بالسعوديه هذا الشي موجود أعرف
إنو في فقراء بس موبهالطريقه والله كإن قاعدين بدارفور
ياحياتي كل سنه فايض مليارات وهالمساكين يبون لقمة عيش
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل على كل ظالم والله شي يحزن والله شي يحزن
فالحين يكشخون عند أفخم المطاعم بره وبسيارتهم
واللي يدفع ثمن هالفشخره فقراء هالبلد
الله علييهم والله ياخذ بثار كل مظلوم
أحنا أكثر وأغنى بلد وهذا حال آهل هالبلد
لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
الله يقوووي هالفقارررررررررره ورربي ياليت لي المقدره
كان ماخليت ولااحد من هالمساكين يحتاج لأحد
Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him said , No one is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.
ReplyDeletehe also mentioned, the one who sleeps with a full stomach and his neighbor is hungry he is not a believer.
The 2nd Caliph Omar may Allah be pleased with him, said: (while he was in madinah) that If a mule would stumble in iraq I'll we questioned on the day of judgement , why I didn't pave the way for it.
To everyone who is disappointed from these pics, this is not the true image of Islam. Islam was beautiful Islam is beautiful and shall return again in its beautiful image By the Will of Allah, we just need to remain patient, this worldy life is a test, so to all those poor people who suffer I give you glad tidings that in the hereafter you'll be rewarded and you'll be rich
If you want more pictures Please send me a message on:
ReplyDeleteI am a journalist and I have an archive of images that I can not publish
I searched for your e-mail here, I did not find.
yes,we have those pics, and yes, the roeal family live in higher level
those're not Saudi Arabia,they're part of it(the poor side) every county have simlar to this.
I'm 23 years old and I live in Riyahd but I've never seen those before. I just sometimes see pic like them in newspaper not in the real live.
I have been through all pictures ….
ReplyDeleteI am one of Saudi Community . . Yes we do have a poor family , Homeless & Old people , put , Saudi Government has determinate a monthly supported cash flow for Saudi only because the person who gather all those pictures he has something agents Saudi Arabia , because he got some pictures from Pakistan or Pakistani Family , most of the picture are for un-legal people leaves in KSA , Yes about the schools there are some pictures are trough , Put Saudi Gov. dos not has a magic Stick to change everything in a second , every Year they are building a new schools and I think we are one of few counters that supporting the education from A-to Z I mean form the intermediate school till graduating from the university for free of charge ,
I think we have also to show the good picture of Saudi Arabia wish 100 times more than what this guy gather to show us .
Again I have to till you I was leave in poor family but because everything was supported by Saudi GOV. my education , Health care and safe life , now I'm working with one of the largest Company in KSA In senior Position.
i got dammet when i see those photos ,,
ReplyDeletefauuuuck to da royal family , we ve to do revalotion to them they r so fackin family n government their r corruption people ....
ReplyDeleteallh ysa3d
ReplyDeleteI agree with the person who said the gov can't change everything in a second. I see huge improvements every year.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to free college education, you get a salary from college! Not to mention the thousands of students who are getting full scholarships to study abroad.
Free health care is provided almost everywhere, how can you beat that. True that paid hospitals are better but at least there is a "free" option.
Safety is good since weapons are illegal to be sold or carried around. However, robberies rate is ridiculous. My car was stolen, my aunts house was cleared, and even my grandfather got robbed while he was walking by a store. They should apply Islamic law to cut thieves left hand.
Did you know that those who beg for money make thousands every month! If people stop giving them they would start working like normal people do, but why work for cheap salary if begging brings more money with practically no effort.
I'm guessing this blog will get banned in SA because they don't like websites that talk bad about the royal family. This blog doesn't talk bad but it encourages people to do so, like some of those Arabic comments.
Finally, corruption exists everywhere but more in SA. King Abdullah is a great leader, it's just the people below him are corrupt. He should replace all current ministers with new educated non-rich ones.
الله يكون بعونهم ويرزقهم (( وما من دابة في الارض الا على الله رزقها ))
ReplyDeleteوالظالم حسابه عند رب العالمين
فبظلم من الذين هادوا حرمنا عليهم طيبات أحلت لهم...
ReplyDeleteوبصدهم عن سبيل الله كثيرا ، وأخذهم الربا وقد نهو عنه
وأكلهم أموال الناس بالباطل ،
...وأعتدنا للكافرين منهم عذابا أليما.
ونحن على سننهم سائرون...!!
فلا عجب أن حلت بنا العقوبات...
في كل مكان بالعالم في جانبين الفقير والغني
ReplyDeleteمن جد وجد ومن زرع حصد
كل واحد على جهده ، الفقير بالسعوديه يقدر يصير اغناء الاغنياء
الدراسه متوفر وببلاش على حساب الحكومه ،المستشفيات كمان على حساب الحكومه
، بالجامعات تصرف لك مكافئه كل شهر ، تقدر منها تمشي عمرك وبعدها تقدر تثبت جدارتك وتخلق من لاشي ، شي عظيم ، ولكن المصور ركز على ادنى الطبقات الي كل مكان بالعالم فيه زيها
حكومتنا في تطور ، في ظل الملك عبدالله حفظه الله والجمعيات الخيريه ماتقصر واليد الكريمه كمان ماقصرت
Well, I'm Saudi and studying in the UK. I know it's shame on us to have something like this in on of the richest countries in world, but what can we do as people who do not have the right to talk to to comment on anything you do not like. Even in the UK or in the USA, you can see like this or more worst as well. Woow, during the weekend, it is very difficult to differentiate between all classes coz all of them are drunk and most likely animals... Sorry about that but this is the truth..
ReplyDeleteSaudi and Proud
يااخوان صحيح ان في السعودية ثروة عظيمة لكن لكل مجتهد نصيب واللي مايدرس ولايتعلم ولا يتوظف ماراح يحصل شي .. بيعيش في فقر وبؤس
ReplyDeleteيااخوان خذوا قاعده :
لايدخل الجنه أحدا بدون صلاة وعمل وايمان
وكذلك ينطبق ذلك على المواطنين السعوديين في بلدهم..
وللمعلوميه بعض الصور أو ستين بالميه لغير سعوديين
this guy above me is totally wrong
ReplyDeletehey mate wake up!!!
don’t ever say study is money
do you think princes are studying?
it is just a way to get it
will if you are poor tell me how would you study.
actually I was living on something like this poor
and it shows clearly the mess on that rich country
by the way I live in riyadh.
well, all pictures are true. but dont u think its unfair to show only the worse pictures of saudi ever???
ReplyDeletei'm from middle classed family, and i've never been to any of these so called schools, i didnt even see them thank God...and i used to live in riyadh and its not as u pictured it... i didnt see olaya street, almorsalat street i didnt see tahlya in jeddah or any good pictures which make me wondering...what is ur aim of all this?? and the only picture of zimbaboy or what ever u call it was the best picture ever....hhhhhh if u wanna compare a saudi school with this school compare altarbya alislamia, najd school altarbya alnamoothajya school, riyadh najd... and u'll find out that this african school is a big joke in comparative....or u can compare these pictures with the worse pictures of africa, too. cause its not fair... even if u meant to do sth good u blow it over with this funny way... we saudi people understands our country's situation more than any1. and using such pictures to fool others who dunno whats going on is just funny... and i'm living in the north of jeddah now, there is hundreds of palaces around us including our house and for ur surprise there isnt princes or princesses in our nieghbourhood. for the beggers in the streets dont make me laugh again plz... they r mostly african, afgani, paki..and they are staying here illegally and refusing to go back to their countries...i see them every where in every traffic... and by the way they are also selling gums, toys, balloons also...
the whole situation is so complecated, u cant understand it coz ur not part of this culture, this country...there is much thieves here more than u can imagen...looke what happened in jeddah last november...and u'll know which kind of thieves i'm talking about. its our mistake also cause if we loved our country there wont be such thieves...
thnx any ways
well, all pictures are true. but dont u think its unfair to show only the worse pictures of saudi ever???
ReplyDeletei'm from middle classed family, and i've never been to any of these so called schools, i didnt even see them thank God...and i used to live in riyadh and its not as u pictured it... i didnt see olaya street, almorsalat street i didnt see tahlya in jeddah or any good pictures which make me wondering...what is ur aim of all this?? and the only picture of zimbaboy or what ever u call it was the best picture ever....hhhhhh if u wanna compare a saudi school with this school compare altarbya alislamia, najd school altarbya alnamoothajya school, riyadh najd... and u'll find out that this african school is a big joke in comparative....or u can compare these pictures with the worse pictures of africa, too. cause its not fair... even if u meant to do sth good u blow it over with this funny way... we saudi people understands our country's situation more than any1. and using such pictures to fool others who dunno whats going on is just funny... and i'm living in the north of jeddah now, there is hundreds of palaces around us including our house and for ur surprise there isnt princes or princesses in our nieghbourhood. for the beggers in the streets dont make me laugh again plz... they r mostly african, afgani, paki..and they are staying here illegally and refusing to go back to their countries...i see them every where in every traffic... and by the way they are also selling gums, toys, balloons also...
the whole situation is so complecated, u cant understand it coz ur not part of this culture, this country...there is much thieves here more than u can imagen...looke what happened in jeddah last november...and u'll know which kind of thieves i'm talking about. its our mistake also cause if we loved our country there wont be such thieves...
thnx any ways
thank you george for your efforts but I just wanted to say that if I went to America and wandered weth a camera you will find these pictures so nice and happy.... poverty and hooomless are everywhere....royal family is a theife we know it but the homeless people of your countries...what is your escuse
ReplyDeleteI feel racism in these pictures
before judging others fix yourseves people
i think the person who posted this pictures is so hatred ,angry and grudge about all saudies and the goverment because must of the pictures is not in the city,must of the people in pictures are ilegal and they are leaving in KSA as any country and the womens in the streets we are traying so hard to get them out of streets and giving them jobes, we have homeless ,poverty ,peopel are asking for mony .but if you traval to all 50 states of US you find :prostitution and we dont have and i think you trayed one of well you know ,homeless they will be the same number of the othr wealthy families in US, womens in your country are having babies without marriage,womens in US are uncovering ther bodies but its ok thes is womens rights in US,schooling is very hard thing to do in us you have to take mony from bank so you can study,mans are marred to one but 10 thousned of mistress , civilian citizens are drinking and driving,teens are having sex in very early age,teens pregnancy .well i think every community has its own problems . you dont need to take photoes of that its orady taken by the holywood filmes ,if you dont have a jobe will get one pleas
ReplyDeleteThank you,
ReplyDeleteI think we should think about a solution instead of questioning the reason why this man posted those pics, think positivly people, think and speak from your heart.
really i want to thank you too match for that even that things in my country but in your opinun :
ReplyDelete- is saudi arabia poor?
- where is the many which we are arn from the oil (or U.S. )will took it all
- how long the sa export the oil (what about the quantity)
- do you thing the saudi puplic iduet or stubelt
- when i saw those cars i thougth no one need any thing in sa
- Really it is shamful!!!!!
Yeah, I am not socked. Of course every single country in the world has poor people and poor areas.
ReplyDeleteGood job, but I do not know why you compare the best pictures of Africa with the worst pictures of Saudi Arabia!!!
If you would like to compare Los Angeles with the worst pictures of Riyadh, I am sure Los Angeles will be worst even though it is in the most powerful in country in the world.
Every single country there are poor people.
well that is not true , as u know guys K.S.A people, some of them in canada , U.S.A and aother contres by goverment . so how come the poor people that what I sew in the pic .
ReplyDeletehowever any one want to know k.s.a that my amill just send to me what u want it and I'll tell u if + I will look for u the information and the proof my amill is (
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ReplyDeleteفيه واحد يقول فوق ماحد يدخل الصلاه بغير جنه
ReplyDeleteليه بس حنا نطلب الجنه يعني ؟؟
ارجع لسيرة عمر ابن الخطاب رضي الله عنه وانت تعرف معنى الاستخلاف في الارض
all pics are true ,hope u will upload soon some of pics for the ppl who looking for jobs , how they fighting to tack only a chance, while other countries take from saudi goverment as a gift thousands of millions $ , thats so bad
keep up
My heart is broken,but the Government itself is not responseble 4 all of this .There somany people mainly those whom close to the Decision makers .
ReplyDeleteوالله القلب بيتقطع لكن والله يامعضم الفقر بالسعوديه انه من البطانه الفاسدة ومن التجار الذين لاهم لهم الاسرقة المواطن ... ولم يقدمو اي شي للمواطنين
واضح ان الصور مجمعها من النت بس ما ادري وش الهدف من هذا اللي جالس تسويه... وعلى فكرة أتوقع انك من الإخوة العرب
ReplyDeleteit's true
but , why you just took pic's of what u want ?
why u don't take pic's of the good face of KSA
any country in the world have the both faces
even in united states
at least you should look for the no. of the homelesses in USA in last study , it's sth bad
u don't even imagine that no.
we have our problem , and u so...
plz be away and look for u prb =)
NOOOOOO dear this is not the other face of saudi arabia it is the dark face because you want that >> tell me where is the light face ?? i will show the people the light face of ksa so soon you will be the 1st one invited?? most these picture for non-saudi people or form jeddah rains or about ilegal people>>
ReplyDeleteلا يا عزيزي هذا ليس الوجه الاخر للسعوديه هذا فقط الوجه المظلم لانك لغرض مريض فنفسك تريد اظهار هذا الجانب
اخبرني اين الجانب المشرق لدولتنا وهو الغالب ولكنني سأظهر الجانب المشرق قريبا وستكون اول المدعوين لهذا.. وسنرى ايهم الغالب ... ياسعوديين ولو لمره لاتخلوا انفسكم مضحكه للكفره وللغرب الذي يرغب في دمارنا ودمار ديننا ...اصحوا واحمدوا الله على نعمة الامن والامان والاسلام وان تعدوا نعمة الله لا تحصوها ..... سعوديه وافتخر واحمد الله على نعمتين اني مسلمه واني سعوديه من اطهر البقاع
these pic are selected,
ReplyDeleteno fair here.
i can upload a lot of bad photos about any country just by quick search.
I read and saw all these pictures that you postid above, regardless to my point of view as a Saudi guy, but I just wanted to remine you that you shouldn't judge from one side..
ReplyDeleteالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ReplyDeleteمن الظلم إظهار الجانب الفقر دون إظهار الجانب الآخر
حتى يكون المشاهد على بينة
ونحن نعلم أن هناك فقر في السعوديه وهذه الدرجه من الفقر تزداد يوما بعد يوم نتيجه للبعد عن تطبيق تعاليم الدين ولو أظهر الأغنياء زكاة أموالهم لما بقي على وجه الأرض فقير ولكن لا نقول إلا كما قال ربنا
" ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر بما كسبت أيدي الناس ليذيقهم بعض الذي عملوا لعلهم يرجعون"
متى ما رجع الناس لدينهم أغناهم الله من فضله
اللهم إنا نسألك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى
Sad as it is! That is the ugly truth of our rich oil preducing country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!! Can we ask why??? Can we stand for our rights and their rights in the basic human needs??
ReplyDeleteIt is true...But you can see it even in the richest country of the world..USA
ReplyDeleteفهم ضئيل لدى البعض كل الدنيا عندها فقراء نعم لكن هذا الفقر لا يجب ان يكون في دولة تفيض بها المليارات خريجي الجامعة ليس لديهم وظائف والسوق محتاج ومن قال متضرري السيول غير سعوديين بل سعوديين ومن الجنوب وأولاد قبايل بعد
شعب متخلف يستاهل اكثر واكثر
تفووووووووو على هيك شعب :)
Amazing insight, I currently live in England where we pay huge taxes so this doesn't happen even if people are here illegally. Should we have to support those that come here illegally though?